Q: Who (or what) inspired you to write this book?
A: My wife. I am a serial idea generator. I have more ideas in a day than I could ever actually do. One day my wife put a notebook on my desk that basically said "finish this book idea, even if it doesn't get published." That was all I needed, no obstacle can stop me when my wife encourages me. Its better than a blank check.
Q: What creative genius tools can businesses who wish to go eco-friendly utilize?
A: Act rebelliously against the way in which things are "supposed" to work for your industry. One of the things that I do is that when I am going to not use my computer for a bit during the day, I'll put my computer to sleep, AND turn off the monitor. Simple little extras like that have cut our electric usage in half in one month.
Q: What is the easiest way for people to get water off the brain?
A: Don't let it pool up in the first place.
Q: Do you believe cgs have higher potential to become alcoholics or drug addicts?
A: Only the ones who choose not to chase their dreams regardless of the obstacles. It took two and a half years to get Creative Genius published and on shelves.
Q: Variety is a spice of life. What do you say to those who simply "don't get it"?
A: I say give them time. Usually the people who don't "get it" are too worried about something and their minds are bogged down with that worry. Everyone has down time emotionally, but it is cyclical. So give them time and when they hit the upside, they'll "get it."
Q: Favorite cg and why?
A: C.S. Lewis. Because he married both the logician side and the artistic of his mind. I think if CG's can merge passion with correctness we'd see better ideas that last longer and have real affect.
Q: Tell me about the Levi Strauss T-shirt Hall of Fame.
A: I was asked to submit some shirt designs for the Levi's employee's annual walk for a cure for cancer. I was told that recent submissions for the past were rather uninviting. My idea was to not "design" a shirt but to get the message loud and clear. So I did a type only shirt. It won the hearts of the people and got the message across no matter what side of the shirt you see first.
Q: Salt or pepper?
A: Salt! :)
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