Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Q&A: Seth Godin-Founder of Squidoo & Bestselling Author

Seth Godin
Bestselling Author & Founder of Squidoo

Tell us about your book, "Small Is The New Big".
Small is the New Big is a collection of my writings from the last seven years. If you're a fan, I think you'll appreciate it. If you're not, I hope you'll start by reading Purple Cow or The Dip.

What makes Squidoo unique?
Squidoo is the world's most popular site for people who want to build a page about their passions. Highlight books, blogs, vids, online shops, or just spread the word about stuff you love. Bonus: you raise money (for you or charity) at the same time! It's fast, free, and super easy.

Share a secret tip that will help online businesses succeed in driving traffic to their website.
Not so secret: make promises and keep them. Do something people choose to talk about. Go for the edges. Be remarkable and don't settle. Set up a Squidoo lens for your auction listings. Or several of them. Establish yourself as an expert on something, give away advice all day long. People will seek you out. Promise.

How did you become "an agent of change"?
I fear I was born this way. I have a lot of trouble settling for the status quo.

What is your definition of success?
My definition doesn't matter one bit. What's yours? Is it really? And if whatever you just said is really your idea of success, then why aren't you pushing harder to get it?

Name a business trend out there now that we can do without.
Other than business trends? I think the trend toward hyperbolic half- truths distributed worldwide in an instant is a bad one. We need more transparency, not more hype.

What would you like us to know about you that we haven't asked?
Yes, it's my real hair.

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